Conflict, disagreements, misunderstandings are all normal themes in the Student Group settings. The CUSA Clubs Office is here to support your club through any conflicts.

Conflict Management Resources:

Do you have a complaint about a CUSA Club? Internal or external club club conflicts can include concerns about a club member, another CUSA Club, or with a community organization.

You can follow our CUSA Clubs Sanctioning Procedure to have this complaint submitted to the Clubs Oversight Commission for review.

1. Individuals can submit their complaint here. The complaint should be highly detailed and include specific information:

  • Location of incident
  • Time of Incident
  • Citation of CUSA or Club Bylaw, constitution, policy, or procedure believed to be in breach
  • List of witnesses to the incident with contact e-mail addresses
  • A detailed description of the incident laid out chronologically
  • Any evidence (pictures, screenshots, signed testimonials, correspondence, documents, etc)
  • A recommended course of action
  • Contact information for the complainant (e-mail & phone number)

2. Upon submission, the complaint and all submitted information will be emailed to the Respondent(s) for their response. The Respondent(s) will be expected to submit their response to the complaint through a google form when requested.

3. After the Complaint and Response have been submitted, the Clubs Oversight Commission will review the documents. Complainant(s) and Respondent(s) should be prepared to attend meetings and/or provide supplementary documentation.

4. Afterwards, the Clubs Oversight Commission will provide a response. These can include sanctions such as:

  • A punitive letter of warning
  • Probation such that any further violation will result in escalating sanctions
  • Prohibition from exercising certain privileges afforded the club by CUSA
  • Executive or member specific prohibition from exercising certain privileges
  • Executive or member specific probation
  • Removal of an individual Club member or executive from the Clubs system
  • Mandatory training or education of club executives and/or members
  • A referral of the matter to the Carleton University Student Conduct process or Ombudsperson
  • Freezing of financial accounts of the Club
  • Decertification of the Club
  • In rare cases at the insistence of the complainant; restorative practices

Clubs are welcome to appeal the decision if desired (see below).

If you are not satisfied with a decision made by Clubs Oversight Commission, students can appeal to the Student’s Tribunal on certain grounds:

  1. Makes a mistake of fact;
  2. Renders a decision that is unreasonable or disproportionate;
  3. Makes a mistake of law;
  4. Makes a mistake of both law and fact; or
  5. Acts in a manner amounting to a miscarriage of justice

Please fill out this Application for Appeal from the CUSA Students’ Tribunal. 

This form is used to apply for an Appeal of a decision of a lower judicial body at CUSA. Applications may not be given leave (accepted) by the Students’ Tribunal. Decisions of the Students’ Tribunal are final unless overridden by Council.